David Johnston RSW
Framed 33 x 33 cm
I am an award-winning landscape artist based in the Mearns in the North East of Scotland. Working almost exclusively in watercolour, I am inspired by Mearns landscapes and seascapes. Using a combination of sketches, images and visual memory, I try to get as close as I can to the original experience of being in the landscape in order to create a ‘sense of place’.
• Joint Winner, Apache North Sea Award: Aberdeen Artists’ Annual Exhibition (2015)
• Awarded ‘Best Landscape’ in Professional category of SAA Artist of the Year
Competition (2019)
• Received Sir William Gillies Award for landscape watercolour ‘A Summer Place, The
Mearns’ at the 140th Annual Exhibition of the RSW (February, 2021)
• Elected RSW Vice President East (October, 2021)
• Received the Alison Prosser prize for landscape watercolour: ‘Making Tracks into
Winter’ at the 141st Annual Exhibition of the RSW (December, 2021)
• Elected Honorary Treasurer RSW (October, 2022)